How to Get Over your Fear of Posting on Social Media

Two months into starting my business I made the decision to follow around 20 different social media managers that had been successful in doing what I wanted to accomplish. The plan was to spend a couple minutes everyday watching, interacting, and learning from the content they were creating.

While my OG plan was to start my business off supporting a bunch of powerful women in my field, that darn social media comparison game got the best of me

You see, while I was surrounding myself with kick-ass social media managers (who  are still out here killing it!), I got into a rhythm of comparing my business to businesses that had been established over ten times longer than me.

Instead of taking a pause on consuming content, I let it haunt me.

I stopped posting. Stopped marketing my own business on socials. And embarrassingly enough, I stopped practicing what I had been preaching to my clients.

After a couple month long hiatus, and a lot of guilt tripping myself, I finally pressed the post button on @entirelybonkersmediaco once again.

While my brief hiatus wasn’t the best look for a newer social media manager in the field, I’m still immensely thankful for it.

To skip past all the “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” mush and give it to you straight:

I have a better insight into my client’s needs through my own personal struggle.

I was able to take those terrifying ghosts of my own insecurities and re-frame them into a more Casper-like shape. And now, I get to help my clients work through just that!

No matter my client’s background, age, or business these are the most common social media fears I’ve come across and how to move past them:

I just have no idea what I’m doing. Like at all.

If I’m being completely transparent, I said this ALL THE TIME when I first started my business. It’s really easy to focus on all of the things you don’t know when social media platforms are constantly shoving educational tips and tricks in your face.

In order to move past this fear, you have to allow yourself to focus on the things you do know. You may not be an expert on social media, but you are an expert in your field. Nobody expects you to be an expert at everything (except for maybe yourself… and in that case, knock it off 😆).

I’ll say it again. I had no idea what I was doing when I started. Sometimes I scroll all the way down to my first few posts just to remind myself of that.

I’ll be waisting time and money.

While learning social media platforms can take time and money, there is also has a huge opportunity to build brand awareness which eventually will generate more income.

In this age, nearly every person is on some type of social media platform. While many people assume that social media is as popular as it is because it’s a place to connect with friends. Marketing is actually the backbone of all social media platforms.

While you are scrolling social media you are constantly being fed ads whether you realize it or not. Yes, not everyone is going to purchase from your ad, but they now have seen your brand and are aware that it exists.

On average, it takes seven times for a consumer to see your brand or product and take action.

Social media gives you a space to put your brand in front of people more often than other marketing avenues.

I don’t know what to post OR I’ll post the wrong thing (and the whole world will hate me).

No one expects you to have it all perfect when you’re starting out. And in all honesty, nobody expects you to have it perfect ever.

Unless you’re already a celebrity, odds are when you start your small business on social media your audience is going to grow as you do. You will become more confident in your social media skills over time and your audience will grow overtime.

If you post something that ends up performing poorly or you don’t like it anymore, you can always delete it. You’re learning. Every single creator you see out on the interwebs has been through this too.

Nobody is born a stellar content creator. Practice makes progress people.

I’m not Gen Z so I’m not going to understand.

Yes, it’s true. Not all of us grew up navigating the internet and social media. While I am a member of Gen Z, I avoided learning about social media for most of my life.

That meant that when I decided to start this business, I had a lot of learning to do. I have never been as tech savvy as my peers. I never understood how others my age had an incredible well-curated aesthetic or had grown a large following seemingly overnight “just for fun”.

As I learned and grew in my social media skills, I was able to teach my parents and grandparents as well.

While I understand where the assumption that “only the younger generations are good at social media” comes from. I’m here to reframe it for you.

The younger generations are good at social media because there are a plethora of resources available to them at their learning level. They learn through creators on Tik Tok and Youtube that explain things on their level.

There are many resources out there for people like you, you just have to know where to find them. Searching Youtube for what you want to learn and adding the words “beginner” or “basics” can be helpful.

Or you can hire a social media coach! Lucky for you, I specialize in working with those whose number 1 social media fear is “I’m not Gen Z so I’m not going to understand.”

If you want to start working through your social media fears, book a one on one call with me here!

If I start I won’t be able to keep up.

Marketing on social media is all about consistency and sustainability.

Many people assume that to market on social media you need to be posting all of the time. The truth is, you should only be posting as often as you can stay consistent with.

That may mean as often as five times a week if you have a marketing team or as few as twice a month if you’re a busy business owner doing it all on your own.

My key to posting consistently is making sure it doesn’t feel like a chore. Add your personality into it. Personalize it with what you’ve been up to lately. Post to your socials like you’re catching up with an old friend.

This blog is an example of just that. Blogs are intimidating for me, so what better way to make it more fun than with emotional support Taylor Swift gifs. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Marketing your small business on social media is here to stay, but your fears are not. It’s time to get out there and take some action.

Go make your first post. Post to your story. Start your account. Take one step today and keep taking baby steps.

If you’re looking for more support with getting your business started with social media marketing, book a one on one call with me here.

Or, if you’re looking to contract out your marketing in order to stay consistent, reach out to me here!

Makenna Cook

Through years of musical theatre, circus arts, reporting for newspapers, and capturing stories visually through photography and videography, Makenna has developed a lens for the art of storytelling. Finding stories, bringing them to life, and publishing them in ways that captivate an audience is what she’s passionate about. Now she channels that passion through her social media management business, Entirely Bonkers Media Co.


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